
Who owns Strait music?

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When we try to understand the name Strait music, we realized that; Strait Music is your one-stop #BandAndOrchestra shop with Austin’s largest variety of brass, woodwinds, strings, mallet percussion, and more!

Who owns Strait music?

Robert who is the oldest son of Dan Strait is the one who now owns Strait music. initially Strait music was owned by Dan Strait but when he was retiring, he handed over control of the company to his son. According to our findings, the ’90s brought more catastrophic flooding in Christmas of 1991, and once again it found the Lamar location underwater. After a second post-flood recovery, the decade brought expansion in the company.

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In another search, we realized that it was Clint Strait who owned Strait music. In a statement he said, it’s crazy because we were at TMEA this past year and the theme of our booth was, “Set the Record Strait”. We did a 57-year museum-like timeline of Strait music company to tell the true story about this company. It was pretty cool.

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Multi award-winning journalist.