
Youssou N’Dour career earnings and net worth

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In Africa, one of the great music legends has always been Youssou N’Dour.

He is Senegalese by nationality and happens to be a great singer, songwriter, musician, composer, occasional actor, businessman, and above all a politician.

The 63-year-old who grew up on the streets of  Dakar, Senegal has been a blessing to this world with his rare talent in music.

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7 Seconds(The Guide (Wommat) · 1994),Birima(Joko: From Village to Town · 2000),Sama Yaye (Ndiadiane Ndiaye · 1982), Serin Fallu (Africa Rekk · 2016), and Xale Bi (Mballax Dafay Wax · 2011) are some his great music tunes

The next paragraphs focus on the fortune he has made with his gift of sensational music.

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What is Youssou N’Dour net worth?

A probe into his assets and properties revealed that Youssou N’Dour ‘s net worth was a stunning  $150 million dollars as of the beginning of 2023.


How much does Youssou N’Dour make a year?

With respect to his annual earnings, Youssou N’Dour is able to make an average of $ 50 million dollars from his music, and profitable side businesses.

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