
What were Freddie Mercury’s last words?

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His final words to him, according to Freddie Mercury’s boyfriend Hutton, who was now taking care of him, were “Pee, pee.”

Some of the last things Freddie spoke to Mary Austin, his ex-girlfriend, was his declining appearance, according to Mary Austin.

What were Freddie Mercury’s last words?

The vocalist of We Are The Champions didn’t reveal he had the illness until the day before he passed away, despite making several public appearances in the previous 12 months and appearing to get worse.

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Jim Hutton, Mercury’s longtime boyfriend, claims that he received an AIDS diagnosis in 1987. Mercury’s real name was Farrokh Bulsara.

Queen kept recording music up until the lavish celebrity passed away, and after he told them about getting the illness, the band agreed to respect his privacy.

Although it is unknown precisely when Mercury developed AIDS, he and Jim continued to live together as a married couple up until Freddie’s passing, with Jim by his side. They wore wedding rings as a sign of their commitment.

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Even though AIDS is now a treatable disease, it was an epidemic in the 1980s that claimed thousands of lives, disproportionately among gay people.