
What was Rocío Dúrcal net worth at the time of death?

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One of the most successful Spanish female musicians that  ever lived was a Spanish singer and actress Rocío Dúrcal

It is quite interesting many loved to call her Rocío Dúrcal rather than her real name María de los Ángeles de las Heras Ortiz.

She passed on at age 62 nearly two decades ago on March 25, 2006, in Torrelodones, Spain.

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Her songs still remain relevant till date. Como tu mujer (Como Tu Mujer · 1988), La Gata Bajo la Lluvia(Confidencias · 1981), Amor Eterno (Canta A Juan Gabriel Volumen 6 · 1984), Me Gustas Mucho(Canta a Juan Gabriel Volumen 2 · 1978) Vestida de Blanco (Hay Amores Y Amores · 1995)Cómo Han Pasado los Años(Hay Amores Y Amores · 1995) are some of her dance tunes that get you wiggling when they are played.

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Let us talk about her wealth at the time of her death in the next paragraph.



What was Rocío Dúrcal net worth at the time of death?

At the time of her passing in 2006, she was worth over $5  million dollars according to several media reports.


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Multi award-winning journalist.