
Lou Reed siblings: Meet Merrill Reed Weiner

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Due to the devotion and passion, he showed for his profession in the past, Lewis Allan Reed is a name that will live on in the annals of American music.

In the United States of America, he achieved great success as a musician under the name Lou Reed.

He tragically died in 20140 at the age of 71. He was multi-talented having been a   musician, songwriter, and poet.

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Walk On The Wild Side(Transformer · 1972),Perfect Day(Transformer · 1972),Satelite of Love 2004(Transformer · 1972),Sweet Jane(American Poet Live 1972 · 2001),Candy Says
(Boston Tea Party (Live) · 1969) are some of the tunes that remind us of the American musician.

This piece focuses on the music icons’ biological siblings.

Lou Reed siblings: Meet Merrill Reed Weiner

He came from a small nuclear family that consisted of his parents and his only biological sister.

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Merrill Reed Weiner is his only blood sibling yet she enjoys t keep her profile private hence there are fewer facts about her online.




Multi award-winning journalist.