
Brad Orchard parents: Who are his father and mother?

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Brad Orchard was born in Victorville, California, on May 15, 1958. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993), Lord Zedd’s Monster Heads: The Greatest Villains of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1995), and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie are among his best-known works as actors and writers (1997).

Prior to this, he was wed to Eneida DeSantiago. He passed away in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, on August 27, 2015.

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Brad Orchard parents: Who are his father and mother?

Details of his parents have been withheld as well.

Brad had three children with his wife, Eneida: son, Richard; daughter, Amy; and daughter, Ashley. He also had seven grandchildren.

He passed away at a hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia, from a severe stroke and cerebral vascular problems.

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Two days prior, he had a severe stroke in his Williamsburg home.
His brother Buck, unfortunately, perished in a vehicle accident in 1983.

According to sources, he has a sister named Kelly and a brother named Scott.

