
Who is John Hegee wife Martha Downing?

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Hagee is politically engaged and well-known for his pro-Israel activities. His remarks on the Catholic Church, Jews, and Muslims, as well as his advocacy of the blood moon prophesy, have also stirred up controversy.

In addition, he is the founder and leader of the Christian Zionist group Christians United for Israel.

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Who is John Hegee wife Martha Downing?

John Hagee’s first wife was named Martha. The couple was married on August 26, 1960. They later divorced in 1975 when Hagee cheated on her with another woman.
Martha and John Hagee had two children while they were married. Their children are named Christopher and Tish. After divorcing his wife, Hagee wed Diana Castro, a young lady from the Trinity Church in San Antonio’s Charismatic congregation.

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Following their divorce in 1975, Martha was given custody of the children. According to the court records, Hagee acknowledged engaging in immoral behavior throughout the custody case. In addition, Martha had a second marriage and children.