
Sauce Walka salary and net worth

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Sauce Walka was born on June 29, 1990. So, Sauce Walka is 32 years old as of 2022. Sauce Walka is well known as a American rapper.

Many fans might wonder how tall is Sauce Walka; as per multiple trusted sources, Sauce Walka stands 1.65 m tall. Stay connected with us for more latest updates.

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Sauce Walka has earned a decent amount of money from his career.


What is Sauce Walka net worth?

As of 2022, Sauce Walka has an estimated net worth of $7 Million (According to caknowledge). He has built his million-dollar empire via his career.

How much does Sauce Walka make a year?

According to caknowledge, Sauce Walka’s yearly income is estimated at $1m. There is a long journey waiting for him to achieve a lot more things and earn much more than now.

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In the summer of 2009, Mondane was involved in a gun-related incident. According to court documents, after being accused of shooting and injuring someone at a concert at Texas Southern University, Mondane pleaded guilty to deadly conduct and was sentenced to community supervision.


Mondane, then known as “A-Walk,” was a member of the violent street gang “Mash Mode” in 2009, according to information provided to KPRC by Houston Police in 2018.

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