
Jermaine Rivers career earnings, salary and net worth

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Jermaine Rivers was born on September 22, 1973 (age 49 years), in Vicenza, Italy, and is best known for his role as Shatter on Fox/Marvel’s television series The Gifted. He is also notable for his role as Officer Carter in the Lifetime Channel television series Devious Maids. 

One will assume Jermaine Rivers join the US Army for his father, in 1993 Rivers enlisted in the US Army and attended Basic Training at Fort Jackson, SC. He served on active duty from 17 March 1993 to 31 May 2013 and had a total of five deployments, two of which were combat tours to Iraq Baghdad while assigned with the 22nd Signal Brigade (2002-2003) also Bagram and Khandahar Afghanistan while under the 16th Sustainment Brigade command (2009-2010). 

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What is Jermaine Rivers’s net worth?

Jermaine Rivers has quite a unique sense and passion for acting. He has not been in the system for long but has enough fame and wealth to go with it. He has a growing net worth estimated between 1 million USD and 5 million USD.


How much does Jermaine Rivers make a year?

Jermaine Rivers’s total yearly income cannot be ascertained since he earns different amounts for his roles when portraying a character in a movie.

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