
How many children does Harvey Weinstein have?

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American former film producer and convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein was born on March 19, 1952.

In this article, we would like to learn about the children he has.

How many children does Harvey Weinstein have?

Lily Weinstein, India Pearl Weinstein, Dashiell Weinstein, Emma Weinstein, and  Ruth Weinstein are the 5 children Harvey Weinstein has.

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Lily Weinstein, Emma Weinstein, and Ruth Weinstein were born to Eve Chilton, his first wife.

Continue reading to discover more.

Following claims of sexual misconduct extending back to the late 1970s, Weinstein was let go from his employer and banned from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in October 2017. By October 31, more than 80 women had accused Weinstein of rape and/or sexual harassment.

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The “Weinstein effect” is a term used to describe how the allegations led to the #MeToo social media movement and subsequent sexual assault claims against several prominent individuals all over the world. Weinstein was detained and accused of rape in New York in May 2018, and in February 2020, he was found guilty of two out of five crimes.

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