
Curtis Bannister career earnings, salary and net worth

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Curtis Bannister was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but his family had to move about a lot because of his father’s job. They eventually settled in Green Bay, Wisconsin, where he spent his formative years. He liked to hum and sing constantly as a child, especially songs from the church choir and the radio.

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Later, he joined the “Green Bay Boy Choral,” performing at choir competitions around the nation. Johns Hopkins University’s Peabody Institute in Baltimore conferred a degree to Curtis.

How much does Curtis Bannister make a year?

Data available only brings out his net worth but no leads to his yearnings for a year or annual salary

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What is Curtis Bannister net worth?

Curtis Bannister has an estimated net worth of over $1 Million dollars.

The Fidelio production also toured the West Coast with performances at The Broad Stage in California, Scottsdale Performing Arts Center in Arizona, and the Mondavi Center in Davis, California.

He co-starred in NBC’s Chicago Fire as Reimers, debuted with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra as Ragotski/Cacambo in Candide and Thomas in Amazing Grace, as well as in the musical series Great Performances with a small role.

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