Brian Ferguson was born in the year 1980 in Glasgow, Scotland. The actor’s credits include Top Gun: Maverick, Line of Duty, and Beats.
Brian began playing all throughout Scotland in theatres including Perth Rep and The Traverse in Edinburgh and The Citizens, The Tron, and The Arches in Glasgow after receiving his degree from Glasgow’s Royal Conservatoire (then known as the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama).
Brian Ferguson wife/husband
There are currently no records confirming whether he is married or not.
Brian Ferguson children,
We cannot also confirm if he has a child or not as he has not disclosed such details to the public. It could possibly be that he has a child but he just hasn’t disclosed that aspect of his life yet.
Brian Ferguson parents
Ferguson has not disclosed details of his parents to the general public.
Brian Ferguson siblings
There are currently no available records about his siblings hence we cannot confirm whether or not he has a sibling.