Kenya Sandy is an actor, best known for her role in The Little Ax, better known as a student in the industry. Although he is a beginner in the industry, he is already popular in business Kenyans are often considered one of the most promising actors in the film industry. Kingsley Smith stars in Little Ax.
Kenyah Sandy’s wife: Is Kenyah Sandy married?
Kenya Sandy is a child actor, who is not married, Kenyah started training in dance at four years old with the Rain crew and at the age of five joined the prestigious Zoonation. At seven years old he joined the award-winning company Boy Blue and still performs alongside them.
His acting career began on stage when he got his first role-playing Young Simba in The Lion King in London’s West End. He has also performed in London theatres such as Sadlers Wells and the Barbican before making the transition to the screen.